10. Jason Mraz and busker in Paris (via www.blogoteque.net)
My brother introduced me to this French music blog. I can't read it because it is completely in French, but they make videos with musicians. Many of them are sublime and I encourage people to visit it. This video of Jason Mraz creating music with a Parisian busker is one of the most beautiful musical moments I've witnessed on the Internet.
9. Lady Gaga on the MTV Video Awards
This year I've grown to greatly appreciate the art of Lady Gaga. She takes catchy pop tunes and creates performance art to go along with them.
This is not the only spot she's on this list, but her performance on the MTV Video Awards in September was mind-blowing.
Add to it my favorite SYTYCDer ever, Mark Kanemura, as one of her back-up dancers, and it's perfection.
8. David Cook, Declaration Tour
I'm not afraid to admit, I love David Cook. He's been a big inspiration to the whole quitting my teaching job and tackling that whole
following my dreams thing. I was lucky enough to get to see him live, not once, but twice in 4 months. The second time I was quite close
to the stage and got a few good videos and pics. He's amazing. :)
I did not get to witness this performance of "Lie", but it shows off David's beautiful voice. Skip to 1:30 for the song to begin.
7. Matt Giraud's performance of "Let's Get It On" AI
I love American Idol. My obsession with it has consumed a large portion of 2009. Matt was the boy from Kalamazoo I was interested in following
cuz he was from the same town as me and thought I should support him. Then he sang this...and my friends and I became fans.
Now who's gonna sign him? (I couldn't find the actual performance, Fox took down the videos from Season 8, but here he is on Ellen. It's precious.)
6. Andrew Bird/ St. Vincent live at the Kalamazoo State Theater
This evening of music with my brother was nothing but sublime. Watching these artists create music the way they do was engaging, magical, and
just plain beautiful. Andrew Bird is someone you must see live to appreciate.
5. Allison Iraheta
Two words describe this little girl: Rock Star. People need to start listening to her music right now. A mix of pop/punk/rock, her album is just plain fun.
"Beat Me Up" may be one of the best pop/rock songs no one will hear.
4. Kris Allen's performance of "Heartless" on AI
I'm a big fan of Kris Allen. His debut album is good guitar pop. His performance of "Heartless" still stands out as his best moment of 2009.
There was no way he could have beat Adam Lambert if he had not performed this. Way to be selfless Glambert.
(Once again, thanks Fox for no video, but his new mashup with Gangsta's Paradise is pretty awesome, too.)
3. Lady Gaga Bad Romance
I've had this song in my head all Fall. And the video is pure art.
2. Allison Iraheta and Adam Lambert's performance of "Slow Ride" on AI
After Gokey's scream heard round the world and this duet, I thought we were gonna have a dream top 3. Plus this performance introduced us
to the Striped-Pants...seeing them perform this in Grand Rapids just made me love this duet even more.
Adam Lambert and Allison Iraheta — Slow Ride — Video MP3 - Watch more Videos at Vodpod.
1. Adam Lambert
Did anyone think I would put anything or anyone else in my #1 position for 2009. He is the best discovery of 2009. It's amazing that a year ago
no one outside of the LA theatre circle knew of him. I've never loved a pop artist more. I could gush for hours about this man's voice. It's just amazing.
His debut album is pop perfection and will not leave rotation in my iPod for a long, long time. My favorite performance of his is actually
pre-Idol (from 2008). It's campy, a little raunchy, and just plain fun.
Adam's performance on the Jay Leno Show a couple of weeks ago of his newest single was probably his best post-Idol, post-AMA scandal performance of
his new single.