Thursday, November 19, 2009

I'm a terrible blogger...

Yep, it's been awhile peeps. Things have been kinda slow around here. Patty's gone into hibernation for a while whilst I work my way outta Michigan. It seems all I do lately is work...

It's interesting returning to a town you haven't really lived in since high school. Yeah, I've been back and forth, staying here for a few months here, a few months there, but never really had to interact with that many people outside of subbing. Now I see all the people I didn't really want to see again (at least without a leading Broadway role, sell-out tour and platinum record in hand ;P). It's giving me some time to really figure out what I want. Do I go to Nashville, a place I can afford to live in, can figure out some way in the music business to make it work, but have to start completely over? It's a daunting thought to have to rebuild my support system again. I've done it so many times in the past 10 years. Or do I follow one of my lifelong dreams and chuck it all to move to NYC? A place that is scary, and expensive, and exciting. A place that is much easier for me to navigate my way through a performing career. Plus, I already have a support system in place, so many friends, including two of the best friends I've made in the past 12 months.

It's gonna be an interesting winter, that's for sure.

And oh, yeah, new music always makes me happy :)