Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Here We Go!! Top 12 Girls...

What an unimpressive night...why do the girls always disappoint on this show? (Not looking at you Kelly Clarkson or Allison Iraheta :) )  Nerves and anxiety totally got the better of all 12 of these girls.  Alright, here we go...

Paige Miles "All Right Now"
It's hard to do a song justice that's already been done on the show.  This song was David Cook's second week song, the one that established him as the resident rocker.  Paige did a'ight as Randy would say.  I like her tone.  We've barely gotten to hear her sing up until this point, so I think she did herself justice, given she was nervous as hell. She got a little shouty, but showed off her big voice.  I think she's safe.

Ashley Rodriguez "Happy"
Ugh I do not like this song.  There are much better Leona Lewis songs if she wants to be labeled a wannabe...I don't get anything original off of her.  She hit some really bunky notes.  If she sticks around she definitely needs to follow the judges advice and figure out a way to stand out.

Janell Wheeler "What About Love"
This song was way too big for her.  All of these skinny blondes look and sound alike. I don't see how they won't cancel each other out, unless they have a stand apart performance.  This was not that, at all.

Lilly Scott "Fixing A Hole"
I was a little worried when she picked a Beatles song, but this was a good choice.  It's not a crazy famous Beatles song, so she could make it her own...and she did.  I like her voice. I think she stands out from the other blondes with guitars.  She needs to watch her lower range.  She doesn't feel comfortable down there.

Katelyn Epperly "Oh, Darling"
Holy too much make-up, Batman!  She looks terrible!  Is she going for the rock n roll flapper look?  I don't get it?  I liked the song.  I like her voice.  We haven't gotten to hear much from her, so I think this was a good first effort on the big stage.  I wish she could've pulled out her A Fine Frenzy cover and play the piano...

Haeley Vaughn "I Wanna Hold Your Hand"
Oh,'re so cute....and you can't sing...poor thing...Simon says they want to find a Taylor Swift this season? Well, I think they found her.  And I think she's not gonna make it past this week.  That was a mess.  An off-pitch, shrill, breathy mess.

Lacey Brown "Landslide"
Oh, my! Another hot mess!  And I liked Lacey in Hollywood.  Her voice is so unique.  She needed a jazzy song to stand out, not Stevie Nicks. I see how they made her have a sing-off with Megan Joy last year.  They are very similar. I have a feeling it's bye, bye Lacey...

Michelle Delamor "Fallen"
Girl totally showed up Ashely Rodriguez tonight.  She has a much better tone and control.  I thought she did the song justice.  I mean, no one can sing Alicia Keys like Alicia Keys, so....but, how skinny is this girl.  Eat a sandwich, please!

Didi Benami "The Way I Am"
Seriously a copycat performance.  If I closed my eyes, I wouldn't know this wasn't Ingrid Michaelson.  Or Janell Wheeler (other than the fact that Didi can stay in key much better than Janell).  Boring.

Siobhan Magnus "Wicked Game"
What the hell was that?!  So they obviously did have the rights to this for Adam, and he never used them, so instead we get this?  She has find to herself, or she's gone.  Seriously a strange little girl.  She has a good voice, and a big voice, of which they are lacking this season. Her range is giant.  And to the stylists, this was the best you could do?

Crystal Bowersox "Hand In My Pocket"
Not a most original choice, but she handled it well.  Simon's right with the coffee house analogy...she needs to project bigger.  And thank God for teeth whiteners!  She's just a cool chick. She really sounds like the love child of Janis Joplin and Melissa Etheridge.

Katie Stevens, "Feeling Good"
I love Adam Lambert's cover of this.  I jam out to it all the time.  It's so theatrical, and has a driving beat...I know it's a cover of the Muse version, which I also love, so it's different from what Katie did.  But what's most different is that he sang it well.  Katie, did not.  She was sharp, and pageanty. It started out very throaty.  Nope, didn't like it.  She's blown her frontrunner status, now hasn't she?

Ok, boys, you better bring it tonight, or this season is just, well...sigh


  1. I am going to make a mini blog in your blog!

    Paige Miles - Eh, she's just ok for me dawg.

    Ashley Rodriguez - She's pretty and she has a pretty voice but original she is not. Also, Leona did it better. I kinda agreed with Randy. Don't do a song exactly the same way if you can't do it as well as the original artist.

    Janell Wheeler - I remember not liking it but I don't remember how it sounded or even why I didn't like it. The only reason I can distinguish her from Didi is I actually think Didi has talent.

    Lilly Scott- Awesome. Fun and quirky. I'll refer to your knowledge on the range thing but I definitely didn't notice her have any issues. Then again you have actual experience with music and I do not.

    Katelyn Epperly- Nice voice. She did a good job. However, I was too distracted by the fact that she looked like a whore. I see you agree lol.

    Haeley Vaughn- What you said.

    Lacey Brown- That was awful. I definitely remember her being better than that. Not only did she destroy an amazing Fleetwood Mac song but an amazing Dixie Chicks cover too.

    Michelle Delamor- I do not remember ANYTHING about her from Hollywood, but I really like what she did last night. She's not one of my favorites but I don't want to see her go home either.

    Didi Benami- I disagree. I like Didi. D:

    Siobhan Magnus- I thought she was fantastic! And haunting I believe as she described it herself. I even *almost* voted for her in addition to Lilly and Crystal.

    Crystal Bowersox- Like usual, she impressed me. BOW-ER-SOX!

    Katie fricken Stevens- GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF YOU ARE GOING TO DO ADAM'S SONG, YOU NEED TO DO IT WELL! I want her out! She needs to go be with that grandma who she loves so dearly.

  2. Yeah! My first comment!!! :) I'm so conflicted about Siobhan. When I rewatched it, I liked it...she's just a strange little duck, that one.
