Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Top 3...I declare Lee Dewyze the winner...

Holy crap...have we had a more clear cut winner since Carrie Underwood?  All the hyping  Crystal is for naught...Lee Dewyze will be the American Idol 2010..and despite a lackluster season, I think (hope) he's more successful than anyone from Season 8.

I'm going to start this blog with the statement that Glen Hansard should mentor in season 10...he was one of the most balls to the wall performers I've ever seen live...and could teach the contestants a lot...plus they've featured his Oscar winning song, Falling Slowly twice...should be enough to get a mentorship...

Casey James "Ok It's Alright"
Ok, this was alright.   I'm going to compare every performance to last season's top 3...since this is when Kris Allen did "Heartless", and basically won the whole competition.  Not a moment for Casey...he's pretty...

Crystal Bowersox "Come To My Window"
This song did everything to support my complaints against Crystal...mid-90s Lesbian folk/blues/alternarock...she did nothing with the arrangement to make it current...my mom said maybe she'd bring about a resurgence, but what says we need that artistically?

Lee Dewyze "Simple Man"
While it was no "Heartless", it was exactly what Lee needed to do to push past the mediocracy of this season.  He felt the song...had a connection.  It's more than hitting every note with perfection. It's about telling a story. Lee did that this week.

Casey James "Daughters"
John Mayer....douchetard extraordinaire.....uh...casey is better than this

Crystal Bowersox "Maybe I'm Amazed"
I'm confused why Crystal didn't change the pronoun.  I felt a bit of disconnect because she wasn't singing from her perspective. It wasn't as good as the judges gave her credit for.  And did a detect a bit of smugness from Kara?  Ellen picked a perfectly great song...it was just the arrangement that didn't suit Crystal.

Lee Dewyze "Hallelujah"
If Lee had kept this totally acoustic, it would have been an amazing moment.  I'm still calling Lee as AI 2010.

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